24 The Three C’s

Do you blame yourself for things that you did not cause?  Do you feel responsible for someone else’s actions? Do you think you can control anything?  Do you know you can not cure anything either? The three C’s You didn’t cause You cannot cure You cannot control People, Places and…

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22. Are you stressed out?

Do you know how to manage stress? A lecturer, when explaining stress management , raised a glass of water, “How heavy is this glass of water? “The absolute weight doesn’t matter.  It depends on how long you try to hold it.” “If I hold it for a minute, that’s not…

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18. Righteousness

Are you being right about how someone is doing you wrong or has done you wrong? Do you find being right in a relationship regardless of if you are right or not can get in the way of you having a loving relationship?  Do you find yourself arguing and fighting…

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17. Are you taking care of yourself?

Do you find yourself putting your significant other, your children, your friends, your co-workers before taking care of yourself?  Do you find you are saying yes to spending on someone else rather than yourself?  Do you try to please someone else at the expensive of your well being?  Do you buy the…

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