Care Giver Burn Out 417

There are 7 Deadly Emotions of Caregiving Guilt Caregiver guilt is an especially corrosive emotion because you are beating yourself up over faults that are imagined. unavoidable – or simple humane. that’s counterproductive at a time when you need to be your own best advocate.. Resentment Risks of resentment: Without…

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Anticipatory Grief Christine Lake Therapists 416

Anticipatory of, showing, or expressing anticipation Grief Keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss: sharp sorrow; painful regret Anticipatory Grief Anticipatory Grief Definition refers to a grief reaction that occurs before an impending loss. Typically the impending loss is a death of someone due to an illness, but…

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Cost of Anger Part 1 (400)

Cost A price paid for an item or our actions frequently the cost of anger can be our aliveness, vitality, peach of mind, our lack of satisfaction and fulfillment , Action Costs for actions when we are angry could included and are not limited to loss of respect, loss of…

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Relationship Skills 1 (397)

Skills The ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc.,, to do something well. carpentrywas one of his man sills competent excellence in performance, expertness, dexterity. The dancers performed with skill Relationship An emotional or other connection between people Differences The degree to which one person or thing differs from…

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Focus & Leadership 396

FOCUS A certain point, as of attraction, attention or activity What ever you focus on manifest.. What are you focusing on moment by moment through this challenging time. Everything we do and say arises in language so what can we create in language that rocks our world. Our words create…

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Expectations, Righteousness & Love 378

Control When you can’t control whats happening. Challenge yourself to control the way you respond to whats happening. That is where the power is.! Expectations Do you notice you have expectations of how your partner, your children, your siblings, etc are ? You getting the picture? When they don’t respond…

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