Expectations #1 (345)

Having Expectations is creating premeditated upsets. When we have an expectation for things to go a particular way we may be blind to missed opportunities. Its okay to want something to turn out. Just don’t be attached to the outcome. Some of my most enjoyable times in life were when…

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Gratitude, Love & Expectations 344

The Fight Of Two Wolves Within You An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.One is evil-he is anger, envy,sorrow,regret,greed,arrogance,self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority,lies,false pride, superiority, and…

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Lets Get U Unstuck #342

Are you getting stopped? What is stopping You. Do you allow upsets to derail you. Maybe what is happening isn’t really happening. Consider you are an Upset waiting to happen. Consider that something from the past is triggering you right now and that is the source of your upset. WATCH…

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