Are You Kind! 331

    What do you want people left with?  People always remember how you make them feel.  Before you speak let your words pass through three gates. Is it True It it necessary Is it kind Lots of times we come from our opinion and not the truth. Especially if…

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Sacrifice can create Freedom 330

Remembrance day reminded me of this. My adopted dad was a war vet, he died in 2002.  It started making me think of the freedoms i have that i take for granted.  I have a lot of freedoms i enjoy because of the sacrifice of Thomas Perfetti and many i…

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Attitude and Gratitude #2 (329)

Have you ever wondered how much being grateful can effect your ability to experience being happy and fulfilled in life?  Have you ever lived through some shitty situations and  wondered why me?  Yet looking back there was a lesson through it all that moved you forward or helped you in…

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Attitude and Gratitude #1(328)

Have you ever wondered how much being grateful can effect your ability to experience being happy and fulfilled in life?  Have you ever had conversations with people who have so little and they are full of gratitude?   Then you talk to people who are frequently annoyed and complaining about something. …

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Alter Your Perceptions Alter Your Life #4 (327)

Do you ever try to understand why someone is saying what they are saying?  Or do you take what they say personally and react? Do you ever wonder why someone one replies to an email right away and another can take weeks to respond?  If you got curious and asked…

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Alter Your Perceptions Alter Your Life! #3 (326)

Alter your perceptions and you will alter your actions.The other day i came home and i saw what looked like 3 white paint spots on my rug.  I knew there was one but to have two more meant someone had been in my apartment while i was away..  At first…

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Altering Perceptions! #2 (325)

Did you ever notice whatever you focus on seems to appear in your life.  So if you are focusing on your debt more debt appears.  If you focus on why me, more why me appears.  That is why it is so important to be conscious of what your mind is…

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Altering Perceptions #1 (324)

Have you ever been driving down a road and thought you saw an animal lying on the side of the road.  There are three other people in the car and you tell them what you see and everyone has a different version of what is lying on the side of…

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Acceptance Moving forwarding! 323

What ever we resist persists so we need to have tools to learn to accept what is and what isn’t.  When to fight and when to surrender.  Looking at whats so, only then can we move forward.  First we have to become aware of what is so, then accept and…

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How fast can you adjust to change! #1 (322)

I assert that the faster you can accept change the less suffering you will experience.  Especially in this fast pace world.  Change is inevitable and its all around us.  Look at the google or gmail its frequently changing.  Social Media, T.V. cameras, telephones, mail , raising children, education.  . Sometimes…

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