The Power of Our Mind #431

I have been dealing with pain in my feet and knee pain since July 2020. I finally went to my doctor in November and she sent me for X-rays. I had to wait until March to talk to a specialist about my knee and he told me I had Osteoporosis…

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Why Apologize!! #430

I assert all people have a sense of morality. Most people are incurably moral. Some things are right and some things are wrong. When one’s sense of right is violated, that person will experience anger. He or she will feel wronged or resentful at that person who has violated their…

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This is can appear to be a crazy world right now. My oldest daughter is marching downtown protesting about having to wear a mask. Friends think the Pandemic is a conspiracy. We hear our monies is changing and we ill be broke. Lots of people are pivoting to doing business…

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R U Living in Faith or Fear? 427

FAITH: Confidence or trust in a person or thing Belief that is not based on proof Belief in God or in the doctrines FEAR: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined Concern or anxiety something that causes feelings of dread…

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Acronym for HOPE! 426

HOPE The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: H Help O One P Peron E Every Day Focus on one person you can help today. Ask yourself who could I help today? Where can I help today? What services…

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The Magic of Muck! 425

MUCK filth, dirt or slime defamatory or sullying remarks mire, mud A state of chaos or confusion: (to make a muck of things) MAGIC Any extraordinary or mystical influence, charm, power, etc:: The magic in a great name; the magic of music; the magic of spring To create, transform, move…

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