Podcast 122 Do you want a new possible way to create a breakthrough in 2017!

Acknowledge what you have accomplished in 2016 and acknowledge what you did not accomplish that you said you would in 2016 and just get complete. Then pretend it is December 31st 2017 and you are looking at your year.  You are sharing with your best friend what you accomplished over…

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Podcast 119 When conflict arises what tools do you use to create a solution!

When conflict arises do you focus on the conflict or do you focus on the solution?  Do you focus on what shouldn’t be happening or do you accept and look for the gold? With an attitude of gratitude miracles can occurr   Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session? …

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Podcast 118. When conflict arises what tools do you use to not take it personal!

Do you take offense easily?  When people are talking do you get defensive?  Can you state your point of view and allow others to have their point a view even when they are radically different? Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and…

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Podcast 115. Are you prepared to take risks to full fill your dreams this year!

What kind of risks are you willing to take to full fill your dreams?  And if you take risks there is no guarantee.  Are you prepared to loose or gain?  If you loose how fast can you turn lemons into Lemonade!  Do you do due diligence?  If not why not? …

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Podcast 112 Can you give up being right and cause transformation (2)

Can you take the focus off your circumstances, and put the focus on what are you committed to?  Amazing results can occur when you do this.   Try it you may be surprised.  It takes mastery to do this continually and when you start the practice you will start having freedom and power…

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Podcast 111 Can you give up being right and cause transformation (1)

Can you give up being right even when you are right to cause transformation. Just let go and take actions from what you are committed to.  See what miracles can occur!       Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear…

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Podcast 109. When you get handed Lemons how fast can you make Lemonade! (

One of the hardest things in life is when we are right and know we are right, is letting that go and creating something newly.  New Actions create new results.  Try it( its like if you are grateful you cannot be resentful at the same time)!     Who would…

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Podcast 108 When you get handed Lemons how fast can you make Lemonade! (4)

How do you want to start the year.  Do you want to design an awesome year regardless of your circumstances.  When you are not happy look within yourself.  What are you not telling the truth about.  Either about yourself, the situation or the other person.  Are you accepting things the…

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Podcast 107 When you get handed lemons how fast can you make Lemonade! (3)

When you first think something is a rip off, stop for a moment and look from a view of gratitude, Notice how your view quickly  shifts from being ripped off to being grateful! Look for the gold, Think of several things you can be grateful about in  the situation!  …

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Podcast 106 When you get handed lemons how fast can you make lemonade! (2)

When there is a bit of disagreements are you willing to listen to each?  Can you take  time out and discuss things when you are not so heated?.  Then when its appropriate are you willing to create a solution so that you all can experience a win?  If not are…

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