Why Apologize!! #430

I assert all people have a sense of morality. Most people are incurably moral. Some things are right and some things are wrong. When one’s sense of right is violated, that person will experience anger. He or she will feel wronged or resentful at that person who has violated their…

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R U Living in Faith or Fear? 427

FAITH: Confidence or trust in a person or thing Belief that is not based on proof Belief in God or in the doctrines FEAR: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined Concern or anxiety something that causes feelings of dread…

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52. Do You Have A High Tolerance For Pain!

Are you tolerating mental, physical, spiritual, financial pain?  What questions should you be asking yourself about this?  What Is holding you back from releasing the pain?  Is it mistrust holding you back?  Is it Mistrust of yourself, of others?  When was the first time you experienced this emotion?  What’s the…

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