Altering How We Speak About Cancer #471a

I just got diagnosed, breast cancer. Lucky for me it’s in the early stages. I thought I’d share the journey with you. I’m feeling pretty optimistic. Number one to keep me upbeat and two to support others who are going through it so they know they are not alone and…

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Courage To Let Go #470

One of the happiest moments is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change, and accept the way it is and isn’t. That’s when you will find freedom.  One story behind one of my happiest moments   I’ve been a member of Al-Anon since 1989. …

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Being Positive Doesn’t Mean You Won’t Have Negative Thoughts #469

It just means you don’t let negative thoughts control your life. I am one of five people certified to Lead a course “Reclaim Your Power” we lead it all over the world, on zoom and in person. This June we celebrated our 10-year anniversary. Shawn Bearman created this course. Shawn…

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Take Action Don’t Let Fear Stop You! #468

Today I want to talk about fear again. I don’t think we can hear enough about interrupting our fears. The opportunity is to discover how do you take action regardless of your fear? It isn’t like fear is ever really going to disappear but we can walk alongside the fear…

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Creating Supporting People To Lift You Up! #467a

I did a humorous post recently but I believe it is based on reality. I’ll let you decide, the post went like this IT TAKES 6-8 PALLBEARERS TO LIFT YOU UP WHEN YOU ARE DECEASED. IMAGINE WHAT YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH IF YOU HAD 6-8 PEOPLE LIFTING YOU UP WHILE YOU…

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Does Focus & Manifesting Work! #465

How do I discover my limits around finances? I have been in a recent inquiry discovering my blind spots and what is limiting me around finances. I always find being in an inquiry very useful. I’ve been in this inquiry for about five months. First I started the inquiry by…

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The Power of Intention! 464

I had a seventeen-year-old teen come to me for some coaching. He was to meet his grandmom and sibling for a birthday lunch in the next town over. The grandma and he had a disagreement about three months ago and she hadn’t talked to him since then. The sibling and…

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How Do You Get Out Of A Rut! #463

I belong to a group of coaches we are called the Ultimate Coaches run by Shawn Berman. She just started a Facebook live that runs Monday to Friday at 9:00 a.m. pacific and each day you can hop on and get some tips and coaching on your life. Each day…

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How to Disappear Complaints #462

Last week we talked about flourishing and thriving in retirement. Now let’s talk about how can you flourish and thrive when you have complaints. Or what actions can you take to disappear complaints so that you flourish and thrive? I’m in the money seminar with Landmark Worldwide and one of…

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Retirement How to Flourish & Thrive #461

Have you got structures in place when you retire so you can thrive and Flourish? When people do not have those structures in place they are without purpose, they don’t thrive and flourish. They find themselves floundering. People who create structures create a future worth living into. They create a…

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