Podcast 126 What is Unacceptable behavior! (2)

Do you find yourself justifying your own unacceptable behavior? Focus on your own behavior not others and you will grow! I am a human being with strengths and weaknesses capable of achievements and mistakes. because i accept this , I can look closely at myself.  Today I will find something…

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Podcast 125 What is Unacceptable behavior ! (1)

To grow we need to focus on our reactions to unacceptable behavior! My freedom and independence depends on my own attitudes and feelings.  If I am always reacting then I am never free Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about…

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Podcast 124. What are you responding too!, is it even real!

I believe that we as human beings seldom respond to what is being said or what is happening in the moment no matter how trained we are.  I believe that we are responding to emotions and feelings from our past. listen to the podcast  and try it on.   Who…

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Podcast 123. What do you need to complete in 2016 so you can have room to flourish in 2017!

Do you have a habit of working hard do do a job, doing ninety-five per cent then leaving a smidge to do to get complete? Completion brings freedom, power and creativity!  Look at what needs to get complete and do that even if you have delegate the completion. Lets flourish…

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Podcast 122 Do you want a new possible way to create a breakthrough in 2017!

Acknowledge what you have accomplished in 2016 and acknowledge what you did not accomplish that you said you would in 2016 and just get complete. Then pretend it is December 31st 2017 and you are looking at your year.  You are sharing with your best friend what you accomplished over…

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Podcast 121 How do you handle companies when they overcharge you!

Do you complain and grumble when you are over charged and do nothing about it?   Do you call them up and blast them?   Do you make powerful requests of a supervisor  who can rectify the situation? What is your method and is it effective? Who would like a…

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Podcast 120 Can you see your children as incredible adults!

Can you let go and let god!  Can you look at your children and see the incredible adults they are?  Let yourself be amazed by your children a miracle can happen. Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams…

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Podcast 119 When conflict arises what tools do you use to create a solution!

When conflict arises do you focus on the conflict or do you focus on the solution?  Do you focus on what shouldn’t be happening or do you accept and look for the gold? With an attitude of gratitude miracles can occurr   Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session? …

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Podcast 118. When conflict arises what tools do you use to not take it personal!

Do you take offense easily?  When people are talking do you get defensive?  Can you state your point of view and allow others to have their point a view even when they are radically different? Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and…

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Podcast 117 Can you be grateful even when shit hits the fan!

When you get handed lemons how fast can you make lemonade.  Are you a victim of your circumstances or do you have freedom and power regardless of what life throws at you.  When I need a solution, sharing and reaching out to others lessons the burden and quickens the solution….

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