Causing Effortless abundance #1 (308)

Do you have effortless abundance around you and your loved ones?  Not just finances but emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually.  Do you come from scarcity.  Our thoughts create our world and we can manifest whatever we allow our thoughts to manifest.  Are our actions aligned with our thoughts?  A book written…

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Whats limiting You around Abundance! 307

Do you have effortless abundance around you and your loved ones?  Not just finances but emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually.  Do you come from scarcity.  Our thoughts create our world and we can manifest whatever we allow our thoughts to manifest.  Are our actions aligned with our thoughts?  A book written…

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Where are your reactions Limiting You! 304

  Do you get stuck reacting to situations? If you are stuck reacting you won’t be effective and productive.  What are you blind to that has you reacting? What are you being right about? What are you being unforgiving about?  Can you distinguish a limiting barrier there?  What new action…

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Have you created an Intention for Your Day!302

Regardless of what life throws at you how would you like to behave today?  Then create an intention for that day.  As the day progresses ask yourself are your actions in alignment to that intention?  If not stop breath and start again.  Mastery takes practice, practice, practice! What actions would…

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Don’t sweat the small stuff! 301

Do you plan out the day and then almost before you are wide awake breakdowns occur? Have you ever been around people that no matter what happens they make things happen,  while others use their circumstances to justify why they did not happen?   How you deal with these breakdowns will…

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Getting unstuck 2! (298)

Are you treating every moment as a Gift? If not why not? Are you living a life you can be proud of?  If not what  the habitual dis empowering conversations you are having when you are stuck? How long have those conversations been around? What are the lessons you could be…

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Podcast 295 The Law of Exposure #10

Boundaries:  The law of exposure says that your boundaries need to be made visible to others and communicated to them in relationship. We have many  boundary problems because of relational fears.  What are you afraid of, not being liked, not being loved, loss of connection, loss of approval. receiving anger,…

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