46. Is your physical environment actually keeping you from performing everyday at your best!

Did you know that you can anchor your physical environment to create the behaviour you want? Our subconscious mind is picking up images twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.  We are literally programing our subconscious mind.  If you want to succeed,   be present to your environments and start  anchoring…

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45. What is an Intangible Environment and how does it effect You?

What are your strengths, talents, gifts, skills unique assets and core values? Religion is an environment Spirituality is separate from Religion and that is environment .  Everything is an environment! Do you have an environment that anchors you,  connects you to what is important in your life? You can design…

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44A What do you think will influence Your More, Your Environment or Your Will Power?

Interesting inquiry to be in.  I believe will power or honouring your word from what you are committed to and having your environment pull you to honour your word would be very valuable. Give you an example you are on a strict diet and its late at night and you…

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42. How does your environments effect your moods and feelings?

In order for us to create long term health, wealth, and happiness we have to choose to create healthy environments.  We must enhance and evolve everything in our environment  to create long term sustainable health, both internally and externally! Your environments impact the way you think feel and act Subscribe…

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Podcast 41. How Resourceful are You?

Have you ever gone into fear and then felt stupid or embarrassed or both  after?  Have you ever been in a situation that within moments as you are creating a solution and you see how hilarious it was? I say to be resourceful you need to be tenacious and have a sense…

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40. What Do You Focus On?

What do you focus on when you want to make a difference? When you focus on solutions your perspective changes.  When your perspective changes new actions emerge, new actions cause new results. Where in your life are you focusing on what’s wrong?  If you shifted your perspective, new actions emerge…

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