Have you ever noticed that you keep wanting to have a particular result and you don’t quite make it. If you distinguish your( view) (s) you may find it is getting in the way of you achieving your goal or goals! Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session? …
Podcast 145 Stop focusing on the black dot!
Do you realize that whatever you focus on can create growth or limit growth ? Do you pay attention to what you are paying attention to? Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session? I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and goals. I will…
Podcast 144 What is your money story!
I have done several money courses and they have mentioned we all have a money story and when we discover what it is we will see the story limits us to the amount of money we have.or don’t have. I also think that is is possible that we inherit money…
Podcast 143 Are you willing to expand your views!
Consider wherever you experience being stuck or constrained the stuckness is the result of a blind spot at play in your life that you can’t see. When we discover our blind spots we can see life through a new view and new views allow new actions Who would like…
Podcast 142 What are some simple things to do to thrive!! (4)
Try a new hobby group you would like to to try (painting, knitting, puzzles) Try eating at new restaurants at hotels or pubs during happy hours approximately 3-6p.m.. You can order two appetizers and with tip and taxes under $15,00. The food is good and two appetizers you can be…
Podcast 141 What are some simple things you can do to thrive (3)
What do you like to do? Read a book, watch a comedy, talk on the phone with a friend, hang out with a loved one, cook together eat together. Simple pleasures of life, keep it simple! Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session? I want to call you personally…
Podcast 140 What do you do to thrive with Family!!!(2)
Do you accept the family the way they are and the way they are not. Do you go out of your way to see them newly? Are you fun to be around. Do you listen to what they are up to and appreciate and acknowledge them. Do you show an…
Podcast 139 What do you do to Thrive! (1)
Do you take your family members for granted? Do you have unrealistic expectations of your children?, Do you get hurt and resentful easy? Hurt people hurt people, healthy people heal people! Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session? I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams…
Podcast 138 Do You want to Know how to problem Solve Quickly!
Do you ever do something silly and then don’t know how to solve the problem? Well i discovered that its simple just share with others what you have done and someone will have the solution.. Also stay calm there is always a solution. Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching…
Podcast 137 Does worry take you out of the game!
When you ask an older person what is there biggest regret when you look back on your life. How would you have lived differently. Most would say they wished they hadn’t waste so much time worrying! Amazing isn’t it. Steps to help you interrupt the worry pattern become aware listen…