Start with 5.00 dollars a week, you will hardly notice it, then after several weeks, put another extra $5.00 a week. keep doing this until you can save $3,000.00 a year, $5,000 a year.  You would be amazed how you won’t notice it.  I started that when i was 21…

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Podcast 135 Single what can you do on Valentines to make life brighter!

    Take the focus off yourself and put it on someone else, If you have extra money get a fine dining gift certificate and give it to a couple that are broke.  You can choose to do this anonymously are not.  Offer to babysit so they can enjoy themselves. …

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Podcast 134 Trust and Intimacy (3)

I’m suggesting you can’t have intimacy if you don’t have trust.  Talking about trust,  do you trust yourself.  Even if someone is not trustworthy in one area they will be trust worthy in something.  Start looking at where are they good at something and acknowledge that.  My experience is when…

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Podcast 133 Trust and Intimacy (2)

Do you hold on to your past to justify not trusting and not being intimate.  Do you get caught up in past emotions and start re living, re resenting over and over again.  Its okay to have emotions, sometimes things can trigger us and we are back in the past. …

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Podcast 132 Trust and Intimacy!

What is trust and intimacy?  Do you trust easy (why or why not) Do you have intimacy with friends, relatives, co-workers.  You can if you are interested. Do you struggle with trust?  Do you have to be in control all the time?  Maybe you need help to learn to trust. …

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Podcast 131 When old resentments surface can you detach with love!

It is very difficult when you are dealing with situations that bring up painful emotions from your past. We need to let go and let god.  Harder said then done.  Take a moment to stop and pray.  Stop ad listen to the guiding voice within us. Its difficult sometimes to…

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Podcast 130 What does it take t thrive when you know the weather is holding you hostage!

When you know the weather is not the greatest and you have to stay indoors make sure you have healthy food provisions so you can make yourself some comforting healthy food.  Have some books you have been wanting to read on hand.  Make sure your cell is charged just in…

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Podcast 129 What is unacceptable behavior! (5)

Forgiveness can be just a change of attitude.  Bitterness can hurt you more than any one else.  Start searching for another way to view your situation Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and goals.  I will give…

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Podcast 128 What is acceptable behavior! (4)

do you belittle yourself, stop it! You are standing in the way of your own recovery. When we treat ourselves with love  and approval then we can treat others with love and approval.   Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear…

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Podcast 127 What is unacceptable behavior! (3)

No one has the right to physical abuse anyone under any circumstances, We can inventory our own behavior to see if we are contributing to the to the problem by provoking.   We can only work to change our own behavior.  We do not cause another to be violent or abusive….

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