Podcast 106 When you get handed lemons how fast can you make lemonade! (2)

When there is a bit of disagreements are you willing to listen to each?  Can you take  time out and discuss things when you are not so heated?.  Then when its appropriate are you willing to create a solution so that you all can experience a win?  If not are…

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Podcast 105 When you get handed Lemons, how fast can you make Lemonade! (1)

  When  the airlines loose your luggage celebrate.  They will reimburse you for what you need until they locate it.  In the meantime a great excuse to go shopping buy new things.  Also bring the basics you can’t live without in a carryon case so you can manage comfortably even though…

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Podcast 128 What is unacceptable behavior! (4)

Do you tell yourself you are stupid, your are ugly things you would never say to a friend! stop i ! When you belittle yourself or others you are standing in the way of your own recovery I have been affected by a disease of attitudes.  When I treat myself,…

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Podcast 104 You are the Artist What are you designing for 2017!

The Great thing is if you are the artist and you are designing 2017 you can design it what ever way you want, don’t be afraid to put something in that you do not know how to do.  You can learn.  If it doesn’t work, erase and start all over…

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Podcast 103 What did you accomplish in 2016!

What did you accomplish in 2016, don’t minimize, really look and celebrate What did you do that actually worked?  Write down 10 things or more that you could celebrate.  What did you kick ass at?  Where did you stand up for yourself?   Where did you surprise and delight yourself.  Where did…

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Podcast 102 What can you be Grateful for series (8)

Its the time of year to reflect and be present to what you can be grateful for.  This year was at times very tough and yet when I look back even in the toughest moments when I could stay in gratitude I never had to suffer.  Hard times are inevitable…

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Podcast 101 What can you be grateful for series (7)

Can you be grateful for learning new things?  I just found out how to de-ice your car windows without scraping.  Buy some rubbing alcohol, put 1/3 cup water, 2/3 cup of rubbing alcohol in spray bottle.  Spray it on your car windows only.  You can leave it in your car…

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Podcast 100 What can you be grateful for series (6)!

Did you know Barton Insurance Broker Jenny Stewart will travel anywhere in the lower mainland and renew your vehicle insurance whatever it is.  Yes she will bring it to your home or place of business now that is what I call service.  Yahoo! They do new plates or renewal of…

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Podcast 99 What can you be grateful for series (5)

Are you spending Holidays by yourself?  Who could you call up that might be by themselves also and invite them over for a potluck.  If that doesn’t appeal, who could you visit that could make their holiday less lonely.  Maybe  an neighbour a coworkers an orphanage, or a retirement home,…

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Podcast 98. What can you be grateful for series (4)

    How fast can you let go of resentments when you make a mistake or someone else does and it alters what you wanted?  Especially when it costs you more money and you get less of what you originally agreed on. Can you focus on what you can be…

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