Stress How do you react to your bus breaking down making you a half hr late for work? How do you react when people keep showing up late repeatedly? Burnt supper.? Angry words?. People accusing of things that you did not do? I suggest if you respond calmly it is…
R U living Your Purpose! 359
I was listening to a friend do a Video and she was so inspiring. She has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease and she is still living her purpose serving others.She wanted to make sure that she put her time resources and energy to the best use. She could…
How do Secrets Keep You Stuck! 358
SECRETS There is a saying in Al-Anon . We are only as sick as our secrets. I believe secrets can keep us stuck. I know for myself because i was ashamed and guilty as a child I never experienced any self worth. When I started to share my experience for…
How to Protect Yourself from Unexpected Violence 357
UNEXPECTED VIOLENCE Violence can happen to anyone at anytime. It can be frightening because it is unexpected and if it happens to our loved ones we can become fearful.Someone else violence is not your fault. In hindsight you might have seen something you could have done to prevent it and…
EFFECTIVE Have you ever notice there are times in your life where you seemed to be more effective than other times? Recently I have looked at the last eight months of my life where I experienced not on my game. Yes I have had a lot of set backs, like…
Happy Mothers Day!355
GIVE THANKS Well this is an opportunity to thank your mother, all mothers . You are who you are today because of your mother or a mother figure in your life. Even if your mothers parenting style wasn’t what you thought it could be or should be. Mothers do the…
Are You Taking Effective Actions to Move You Forward! 354
EFFECTIVE What does effective action mean? Well first you have to be specific on what your goal is. You need to have specific measures you are winning the goal and you need to put a time by when you will meet this measures. Then if you are really honest with…
Smiling what does it cost!353
VALUE Did you ever consider the value of a smile. A smile can change someones perspective in life just like that!.How could you put a $ value on that? Have you ever been deep in thought and then heard a baby giggling and smiling. No matter what is going on…
Acceptance & Resistance 352
ACCEPTANCE Have you noticed that when you don’t accept things the way the are and the way they are not there is a bit of suffering going on. I like the serenity prayer and say if frequently. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the…
How does Resistance Keep you Stuck (2) 351
ACCEPTANCE Have you every noticed that when you are struggling with something you are stuck . When you are free of the struggle. When you accept what is happening right now the way it is and the way it isn’t you become free. You then can start taking effective actions…