Truth Before you Speak let your words pass through three gates Where are facts that are truthful that can back up what you say. Make sure its not a feeling our a view you have. Make sure its truth from truthful facts. Necessary Is it necessary to speak this truth….
Powerfully Completing 384
Completion What if completion wasn’t always that you had to finish something to declare completion. What if completion gave you a space to just look at whats so. On the court examination so we can get clear whats so. What actually happened and What actually didn’t happen. What if out…
Powerfully Moving Forward 383
Powerfully You cannot powerfully move forward until you complete the past. So this podcast is about completing your goals for 2019 so that you can move forward with some freedom. What I mean by that is, look at what you said you were going to accomplish this year.. Say what…
What you think of me is none of my business. I cannot please everyone. I will spend more time with myself than anyone else in my life time. So to have a stress free holiday I need to respect my values. Stay within your budget. If you have no extra…
7 Things that might be Holding you Back 381
Apologizing 7 things you should never apologize for I listened to a u tube video Fearless Soul and they suggested we should never apologize for these 7 things. I did a version of why I believe we should never apologize for them. being yourself (there is something amazing about an…
Effective Time Management (2) 380
FUN I’m finding when I take time to have fun I have more energy to get the things done that need to get done. Chunking I find when I take smaller chunks of time to accomplish things I get more done as well. That really works for me. Especially when…
Effective Time Management (1) 379
Effective What does effective mean? Adequate to accomplish a purpose,producing the intended or expected result. Time A limited period or interval, as between two successive events or A system or method to measuring or reckoning the passage of time Management Skill in managing or the act or manner of managing…
Expectations, Righteousness & Love 378
Control When you can’t control whats happening. Challenge yourself to control the way you respond to whats happening. That is where the power is.! Expectations Do you notice you have expectations of how your partner, your children, your siblings, etc are ? You getting the picture? When they don’t respond…
EFFECTIVE What do I mean effective self care. Its an inquiry, I’m after not necessary the answer but asking the question over and over again will give us some insights to what are the effective actions I need to do right now in this situation for me. Everybody deals with…
SUCCESS What Does That Mean 376
SUCCESS There are many definitions for success.It useful for you to look at yours and see if yours are realistic or not. I notice that lots of times when I am not happy I am comparing myself to others to see if I am successful or not. Is my bank…