Are you willing to keep going even when it becomes challenging to accomplish what you set out to do? Do you think you have to do all the work to have a result? Do you think you have to know things to accomplish things, Are you willing to delegate, ask…
Is lack of Requesting keeping you Stuck! 313
Do you think you have to do all the work to have a result? Are you willing to delegate, ask for help make powerful and sometime unreasonable requests of others to accomplish what is needed or wanted. That is what powerful leaders do. Look at Jimmy Patterson, presidents, CEO’s. Do…
Is your Age keeping You Stuck! 312
Have you ever wondered why some things you say you are going to do never happen? Take a look at what you are saying to yourself consciously or unconsciously. Get a piece of paper and pen and write down two things you have repeatedly said you can’t do because of…
What Got you Stopped or Stuck#3 311
Have you ever wondered why some things you say you are going to do never happen? Take a look at what you are saying to yourself consciously or unconsciously. Get a piece of paper and pen and write down two things you have repeatedly said you were going to do…
How contribution can Enrich your Life!#1 309
Do you allow others to contribute to you? Are you generous in allowing others to contribute to you or are you one of those people that won’t allow others to give to you. You don’t want to feel obligated or you don’t think they can afford to help so you…
Causing Effortless abundance #1 (308)
Do you have effortless abundance around you and your loved ones? Not just finances but emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. Do you come from scarcity. Our thoughts create our world and we can manifest whatever we allow our thoughts to manifest. Are our actions aligned with our thoughts? A book written…
Want Mastery get 100 No’s! 305
I just recently had the most easiest move in my life. I made powerful and sometimes unreasonable requests of people so that i could have an effortless move. I notice people resist making requests of others because they have lots of reasons why they can’t make requests. Look at powerful…
Where are your reactions Limiting You! 304
Do you get stuck reacting to situations? If you are stuck reacting you won’t be effective and productive. What are you blind to that has you reacting? What are you being right about? What are you being unforgiving about? Can you distinguish a limiting barrier there? What new action…
Getting Unstuck #3! (299)
We are either expanding or retracting our whole life! What are you doing? Are you playing a big enough game in life to insure that you are expanding? A game could be as simple as joining in a community project. Starting a community project. Be accountable somewhere so that you…
Getting Unstuck 297
Stop the Action you are doing to keep you stuck. Take the focus off of what you are now doing and do something entirely different. Take a time out and do something you like to do. The new action will start unfolding. I know it sounds counter-intuitive Take a break…