Podcast 85 Twenty-five days till Santa Arrives

Wow can you believe Christmas is only twenty-five days away!  I have been going to more events then usual and sometimes there is liquor served and I just want to be able to have one or two glasses without worrying about driving.  I have been checking into the Vancouver Bus…

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Podcast 84 Do U Stay in Your Comfort Zone!

Are you willing to just go for it when an opportunity arises to do something that you love?  Do you sell out because it is not convenient? Do you sell out because you might have to rearrange your whole schedule and then you might feel you are not as prepared as you…

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Podcast 83 R U Willing to Do new Activities!

Is there a New Comers Club in your city?  I just joined the Vancouver Newcomers Club and they have all sorts of events happening in Vancouver.  Just put the name of your city and then newcomers club after.  Join it and discover the beautiful City you live in.  If you are…

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Podcast 82 Are You Willing to try doing something New!

As you grow older do you notice people’s universe is growing smaller or are you one of those people that want to expand and grow making your universe larger and larger.  I find trying new things scary and exciting at the same time . What does being healthy mean to…

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Podcast 81 Part of Thriving is doing something you love!

What do you love to do.  Do you even know?  Have you been too busy taking care of family, partner and friends you don’t even know what you love.  I used to love painting, writing and dancing I haven’t done those in years, What about you. What action could you…

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Podcast 80. Do u Find it Hard to Cook for 1 person!

Are you committed to eating healthy.  Cook a healthy meal for 4 to 6 people every night for one week.  Freeze the extras in one serving portions, in good freezer bags writing what is in the bag and the date.  You will have enough variety and dinners for supper and…

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Podcast 79 Martyrdom (3) Do U Suffer more than U need to!

An interesting and rewarding exercise for today may be to examine all the things that are hurting YOU at the moment.  Challenge their validity to see if there is any basis for your bitterness or for that dread and fear.  You will  probably discover, to your delight, that you have, right at this moment, more…

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Podcast 78 Martydom (2) RU Good To Yourself!

Be Good To Yourself! What does that mean?  Letting go and letting God! Shrug off hurts! Vey little that happens in my daily encounters is worth my worry, resentment, or feeling sorry for myself.  If I am always ready to take offence and be hurt, I’m selling my contentment very…

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Podcast 77 Martyrdom (1)

Are you staying in relationships because you have a need to belong based on unrealistic views, stories you have made up about you, them ? Are you allowing people to hold you hostage for past mistakes? What are your motives?  What does staying in unhealthy relationships costing you? When will I…

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Podcast 76aa Have You Ever Encountered Road Rage!

This Podcast will tell you what not to do! Have you ever been followed  by someone because they are in a road rage?  There definitely is crazies out there that try to intimidate, threatened and frighten you. I discovered two wrongs do not make it right.  My happiness is an…

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