Effective Time Management (2) 380

FUN I’m finding when I take time to have fun I have more energy to get the things done that need to get done. Chunking I find when I take smaller chunks of time to accomplish things I get more done as well. That really works for me. Especially when…

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Effective Time Management (1) 379

Effective What does effective mean? Adequate to accomplish a purpose,producing the intended or expected result. Time A limited period or interval, as between two successive events or A system or method to measuring or reckoning the passage of time Management Skill in managing or the act or manner of managing…

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Expectations, Righteousness & Love 378

Control When you can’t control whats happening. Challenge yourself to control the way you respond to whats happening. That is where the power is.! Expectations Do you notice you have expectations of how your partner, your children, your siblings, etc are ? You getting the picture? When they don’t respond…

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EFFECTIVE What do I mean effective self care. Its an inquiry, I’m after not necessary the answer but asking the question over and over again will give us some insights to what are the effective actions I need to do right now in this situation for me. Everybody deals with…

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SUCCESS What Does That Mean 376

SUCCESS There are many definitions for success.It useful for you to look at yours and see if yours are realistic or not. I notice that lots of times when I am not happy I am comparing myself to others to see if I am successful or not. Is my bank…

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The Power Of Requests! 375

POWER I assert that the more successful a person is the more requests they make . When we make requests for others to help us, it gives us more leverage to maneuver, We are not alone. We can create a team around us, who also can make requests as well.We…

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Retraining Your Brain & Gratitude 374

Retraining Your Brain If you want to retrain your brain, one way is keeping a Gratitude Journal and practice daily Mindful Gratitude. I promise you will at least have 5 Benefits to practicing mindful gratitude daily. Start keeping a journal. Mindset By keeping a Gratitude Journal and putting at least…

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Do You Cherish the Moments 373 Podcast

Cherish Definition from dictionary: To hold or treat as dear, feel love for: to cherish one’s native land.. To care tenderly, nurture: to cherish a child: MOMENT Definition from dictionary: an indefinite short period of time: instant Where are you not cherishing the moments?. Especially with loved ones? Are you…

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Resilients & Family 371

FAMILY When I say family, what I mean is anybody that you lived with whether they be biological, or foster parents. Family can shape whether you are resilient or not. When I look at all the different homes I lived in as a child. All the different people that raised…

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Are you giving your POWER AWAY! 372

POWER It can be challenging when you cant control the way things are happening. My invitation is to challenge yourself to control the way you respond. How you respond either gives your power away or allows you to master being powerful. ACTIONS You are fee to choose how you respond….

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